ARCUSdigma Electronic Facebow System
KaVo has always been a company who strives to move forward. They have always been a leader in the dental industry, not to mention the most innovative. ARCUSdigma proves that they haven’t forgotten their role.
The purpose of the ARCUSdigma is to determine Temporomandibular joint problems with its highly advanced sensor system. With the new ARCUSdigma II, precision has been increased tenfold with four transmitters and eight microphones. This product is also great when used with the PROTARevo articulators for complete assessment and solutions to patients concerns. |
• Programs Articulators
• Movement analysis
• Uses for splint therapy- built in therapeutic mandible positioning and movement analysis
- Efficiently assesses temporomadibular joint problems and easily transmits information to the computer via USB
- Both a mechanical face bow and electronic measuring system
- Has many uses, including:
• Programs Articulators
• Movement analysis
• Uses for splint therapy- built in therapeutic mandible positioning and movement analysis
- Allows you to determine the centric mandibular position and monitor with a computer
- Helps localise the pain position in the stomatognathic system
- ARCUSdigma analytical software can be used to create a dynamic splint in the KaVo PROTAR Digma from the pain analysis